Read, write, create, and grow!

School Author visit with Andie Powers in Seattle Washington

Would you like me to visit your school in person or virtually? This is the part of my job that I love the MOST. Please check out my offerings below for elementary-aged school children, and download my flyer to present to your PTA or media specialist.

School class author visit with Andie Powers Tacoma Washington

Option 1: From Idea to Book!
In this presentation, we will read my most recent title, then talk about how an idea becomes a book. How many people work on a picture book? What does each person do? How does a person get published? How do I become an author too? We will chat all about the format of story, and of the process of bringing it to life. Followed by a Q & A session + book signing. Best for grades 1+

Option 2: Social Emotional Learning — I Know ME Best
In this presentation, we will examine the characters in Quiet and Bold as jumping off points for a discussion about how people can be misunderstood by others and what it means to know ourselves. We will use activity and/or coloring sheets to tell our stories and share with one another. Followed by a Q & A session + book signing. Best for PreK and Kindergarten

Option 3: Nonfiction — How Your Interests Can Create Amazing Nonfiction!
Available to book for the 2025-2026 school year. This new option coincides with the release of my newest (nonfiction) picture book, Wild Moon: How the Lunar Phases Light Up Our World. We will read the book, then discuss how nonfiction differs from fiction, and what it takes to write an awesome picture book. Followed by interactive activity, Q & A session + book signing. Best for grades 1+

In-person visits: $250 per presentation | Zoom: $150 per presentation
Price includes a 30-minute presentation, unless otherwise arranged. Full day pricing available upon request. School locations exceeding 40 miles from West Seattle, WA should add $50 travel fee to total. I am willing to work within the budget of schools with predominantly underserved communities—please request more information.


“When Andie Powers came to my classroom my students were quick to fall in love with her story, I Am Quiet. After her reading, she did an activity where students shared how grown-ups interpreted them vs how they interpreted themselves. It was a fun, fascinating, eye-opening visit and our experience with Ms Powers was truly a delightful one.” -Sarah Sullivan, Elementary school educator

For more info about booking a visit with me, please fill out the form below, or contact How Now Booking HERE.